The web-site for
English Language Educators in the Eastern Cape.


Policy Documents

Question Paper

Internet Links

Contact Details

Lesson Plans

  Revision Instrument  

Events / News  




  Home Language - NCS Guidelines for the Assessment and Moderation of Oral Communication
  First Additional Language - NCS   Assessment Instruction 07/2009  (NSC) Prescribed Literature for Grade 12: 2009-2011
  Second Additional Language - NCS  Circular S5/2008: Grade 12 Poems and Short Stories for Exam Purposes in 2009-2011
  The Learning Programme Guidelines   Gr 12 NSC Examiner's Report: English HL Paper 1  Nov 2009   new
  The Subject Assessment Guidelines   Gr 12 NSC Examiner's Report: English HL Paper 2  Nov 2009   new
  HL and FAL Literature Set work Titles   Gr 12 NSC Examiner's Report: English HL Paper 3  Nov 2009   new
  Gr 12 FAL Guidelines for setting Literature (P2)   Gr 12 NSC Examiner's Report: English FAL Paper 1  Nov 2009  new
  Gr 12 HL Guidelines for setting Literature (P2)   Gr 12 NSC Examiner's Report: English FAL Paper 2  Nov 2009  new
  Work Schedules for Grades 10-12 FAL   Gr 12 NSC Examiner's Report: English FAL Paper 3  Nov 2009  new
       Examiner's Report: English FAL Paper 2 Nov 2008

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Departmental Question Papers & Exemplars


Gr. 12 English Home Language P1 - Nov.2009


Gr. 12 English Home Language P2 - Nov.2009 Memorandum
Gr. 12 English Home Language P3 - Nov.2009 Memorandum
Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P1 - Nov.2009 Memorandum
Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P2 - Nov.2009 Memorandum
Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P3 - Nov.2009 Memorandum
Gr. 12 English Second Additional Language P1 - Nov.2009  (Gauteng) Memorandum
Gr. 12 English Second Additional Language P2 - Nov.2009 Memorandum
     Gr 12 September 2009 Trial Exams   (English HL & FAL Papers 1-3 & Memos)    
Gr. 12 English Home Language P1 - Supplementary 2009            Memorandum
Gr. 12 English Home Language P2 - Supplementary 2009           

Memo not available

Gr. 12 English Home Language P3 - Supplementary 2009            Memorandum
Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P1 - Supplementary 2009            Memorandum
Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P2 - Supplementary 2009           

Memo not available

Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P3 - Supplementary 2009            Memorandum
Gr. 12 English First Additional Language P2 - Exemplar 2009            Memorandum
Gr. 12 English Home  Language P2 - Exemplar 2009            Memorandum
Gr. 12 Final English First Additional Language P1 - Exemplar 2008            Memorandum
Gr. 12 Final English First Additional Language P3 - Exemplar 2008            Memorandum
Gr. 12 Final English Home  Language P1 - Exemplar 2008            Memorandum
Gr. 12 Final English Home  Language P3 - Exemplar 2008            Memorandum

Grade 11

Gr. 11 English First Additional Language P1 - November 2007            Memorandum
Gr. 11 English First Additional Language P3 - November 2007      Memorandum
Gr. 11 English Home  Language P1 - November 2007                        Memorandum
Gr. 11 English Home Language P3 - November 2007                         Memorandum
Gr. 11 Final English First Additional Language P1 - Exemplar 2007            Memorandum
Gr. 11 Final English First Additional Language P3 - Exemplar 2007            Memorandum
Gr. 11 Final English Home  Language P1 - Exemplar 2007            Memorandum
Gr. 11 Final English Home Language P3 - Exemplar 2007            Memorandum: Section AMemorandum: Section BMemorandum: Section C

Grade 10

Gr. 10 Final English First Additional Language P1 - Exemplar 2006


Gr. 10 Final English First Additional Language P3 - Exemplar 2006


Gr. 10 Final English Home Language P1 - Exemplar 2006


Gr. 10 Final English Home Language P3 - Exemplar 2006



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LESSON PLANS   for Home Language  2009  

Grade 10

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3   Term 4
Lesson Plans Various Lesson Plans   (Weeks 1-8) Lesson Plans Various Lesson Plans (8)

Grade 11

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3   Term 4
Communication: Poetry Debates   (Week 5 & 6) Lesson Plans Novel Chapters 6 & 7
Communication: Drama Summary Writing   (Week 4 & 5)   Filling in Forms
  Diary Entries  (Week 4 & 5)   Letter of Complaint
  Active & Passive Voice  (Week 5)   Business Letter
  Reflective Essay  (Weeks 6,7,8)    
  Poetry  (Weeks 5-11)    
  Drama  (Weeks 1-8)    
  Reading Aloud  (Weeks 1-5)    

Grade 12

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3   Term 4
Animal Farm Poetry  (City Johannesburg) Lesson Plans Language Revision
Response to Literature Correction of sentences word order   Writing
Dictionary & Thesaurus skills Dictionary & Thesaurus skills   Literary Focus
Discursive essay Discursive essay    
Parts of speech Drama (The Crucible)    
Active & Passive Voice Application letter & CV    



LESSON PLANS   for First Additional Language  2009  

Grade 10

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3   Term 4
Lesson Plans Term 1 Lesson Plans Week 1 & 2
  Term2 week 1 - 5   Week 3 & 4
  Term 2 Week 6     Week 5
  Term 2 Week 7   Week 6
  Term 2 Week 8    

Grade 11

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3   Term 4
Lesson Plan 1 Reports Debates Lesson Plans Listening Summaries
Lesson Plan 2 Summaries Group Discussion   Filling in forms Use of Dictionary
  Review Reflective Essay   Group Discussion Business Letter
  Dialogue Sentence Types   Parts of Speech  
  Film Study Comprehension Work   Reading skills & Comprehension Work
  Directions / Instructions Application Letter & CV   Translating sentences
  Argumentative Essay   Critical Language Awareness

Grade 12

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3   Term 4
Lesson Plans Various Lesson Plans Lesson Plans Lesson Plans
  Poetry & Short Stories    

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Revision and Remedial Teaching Instruments - June 2009
Grade 12
Gr 12 First Additional Language Paper 1   Memorandum
Gr 12 First Additional Language Paper 3   Memorandum
Gr 12 Home Language Paper 1   Memorandum
Gr 12 Home Language Paper 2   Memorandum
Gr 12 Home Language Paper 3   Memorandum
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www.thutong.org.za   The South African Education portal
www.knowledge4africa.com   An excellent site containing local content, tests and worksheets 
www.online-utility.org   On this site you can find some online computer programs which can help you : Learn, teach/research the 
   English language; Analyze words, sentences, structure

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Click photo to enlarge
MEC with Provincial Finalists


Click photo to enlarge
Left to Right
: Mati Ndlovu (2nd),
Bonolo Cebe (1st) & Lisa Dondashe (3rd)

Young Communicators Awards
Provincial 2009
East London


  Provincial Report 2009  

  Winning Speeches 2009


Click photo to enlarge
Winner Bonolo Cebe with MEC M. Qwase, Curriculum Chief Director SP Govender and a representative of the sponsors.

Click photo to enlarge
Winner Bonolo Cebe

Anglo American / Sowetan
Young Communicators Awards
National Finals 2008

The Young Communicators Awards seek to nurture assertive, confident, competitive and career-driven youngsters for whom English is not a mother tongue.

Third runner up was Lovelyn Nwadeyi from Queenstown High School in the Eastern Cape. Admitting that she is a non-conformist, she asked
why society always dictated to people who they should be and how they should act. She is quick to say she is not a drug dealer because of her Nigerian nationality, and that the awards have given her an opportunity to represent Nigerians in a different way.   "I am proud of who I am," said Nwadeyi. -  Sowetan 17/06/2008


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Norman Zamumzi Fumba
Deputy Chief Education Specialist
English: FET band


Tel   :  040 608 4648
Fax  :  086 516 7078
Cell  :  083 522 6299
  znfumba@gmail.com   or zamumzi.fumba@edu.ecprov.gov.za  

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If you want to submit any contributions or report any problems on this web-page, kindly send them to
  vantonderb@gmail.com  .