Life Sciences

     Welcome to the web-page for educators of Life Sciences in the Eastern Cape.





Internet Links

Lesson Plans

Revision Instruments

Contact Details


Policy (& Other) Documents

National Senior Certificate Examination Guidelines 2009-10
Learning Programme Guidelines Eksamenriglyne 2009-10
Subject Assessment Guidelines Gr 12 NSC Examiners' Report 2009 Paper1  
Grade 10-12 Cass Guidelines Gr 12 NSC Examiners' Report 2009 Paper2  
 Grade 10 Content Framework   Assessment Instruction 53/2010 New LS Exam format    
               Grade 11 Content Framework     for  2010 Examination Guidelines 2011     
    Grade 12 Content Framework   for  2011  
NB !   Circular E12 of 2011 - Grade 12 Life Sciences candidates:  2011 National Senior Certificate.  new
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Question Papers

Grade 10
Gr. 10 Paper 1 Exemplar  2006 Memorandum
Gr. 10 Paper 2 Exemplar  2006 Memorandum
Gr. 10 Vraestel 1 Model  2006 Memorandum nie beskikbaar nie
Gr. 10 Vraestel 2 Model  2006 Memorandum
Grade 11
Gr. 11 Paper 1 November 2007 Memorandum
Gr. 11 Paper 2 November 2007 Memorandum nie beskikbaar nie
Gr. 11 Vraestel 1 November 2007 Memorandum
Gr. 11 Vraestel 2 November 2007 Memorandum nie beskikbaar nie
Gr. 11 Paper 1 Exemplar 2007 Memorandum
Gr. 11 Paper 2 Exemplar 2007 Memorandum
Gr. 11 Vraestel 1 Model 2007 Memorandum
Gr. 11 Vraestel 2 Model 2007 Memorandum
Grade 12
Gr. 12 Paper 1 Exemplar 2011    Memorandum
Gr. 12 Paper 2 Exemplar 2011    Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 1 Model 2011    Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 2 Model 2011    Memorandum
Gr. 12 Paper 1 November 2009   Memorandum
Gr. 12 Paper 2 November 2009   Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 1 November 2009   Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 2 November 2009   Memorandum
    Gr. 12 Life Sciences September 2009 Trial Exams (English & Afrikaans Papers 1-2 & Memos)    
Gr. 12 Paper 1 Supplementary Exams 2009      Memorandum
Gr. 12 Paper 2 Supplementary Exams 2009     Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 1 Aanvullende Eksamen 2009   Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 2 Aanvullende Eksamen 2009   Memorandum
Gr. 12 Paper 1 Exemplar 2008 Memorandum
Gr. 12 Paper 2 Exemplar 2008 Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 1 Model 2008 Memorandum
Gr. 12 Vraestel 2 Model 2008 Memorandum
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Revision and Remedial Teaching Instruments - June 2009
Grade 12
Gr. 12 Life Science Paper 1       Memorandum
Gr. 12 Lewenswetenskappe Vraestel 1     Memorandum
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new  Guidelines 2012 Guidelines and Support Documents - Grades 10 - 12
Digestion 1

Learn the names of and view body parts involved in digestion

Digestion 2

Learn how food passes through the body and nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream

Digestion 3 Learn how nutrients from food are digested on a cellular level
Respiration overview Learn why respiration is necessary, which cells control it and when the products of respiration are used.
Breathing & Respiration Learn about the structures and mechanisms of breathing; inhalation and exhalation
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Internet Links

  A site containing a demo of the dissection of a frog   A medical site with downloadable Powerpoint presentations on the human body
  (click on Servier Medical Art and the Power-point Image Bank) – can be copied individually  / combined to make your own slideshow.   A site containing lessons, exam guides and resources   Contains videos and pictures about animals and the human body
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Lesson Plans  2009    new

Term 1  Term 2  Term 3 Term 4
No lesson plans available Grade 10  (includes 4 lesson plans)   02 March   to   05 June 2009 Grade 10 Grade 10
No lesson plans available Grade 11  (includes 6 lesson plans)    09 March   to   05 June 2009 Grade 11 Grade 11
Grade 12 Grade 12  (includes 5 lesson plans)    02 March   to   05 June 2009 Grade 12 No lesson plans available
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Contact Details

Ms Ntshantsha Mpondwana

Deputy Chief Education Specialist

Life Sciences - FET Band


Eastern Cape
   Tel   :  040 608 4724

   Fax  :  040 608 4394/84

 e-mail :
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To make any contributions or to report any links that don't work, kindly submit them to  .